The Coley Family

We are Billy, Crystal, and Hudson Coley, your missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. We are sent out of Skagit Valley Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, WA where Bro. Rodney Woodcock is pastor.

In October of 2020, Crystal and I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the faithful prayer and financial support of churches who have partnered with us in ministry, we have had the privilege of taking the Gospel of Christ to the field of Kenya.

Once we arrive back in Kenya, we will be watching over the ministry at Karen Baptist Church for a few months while the Cormiers finish their furlough. After the Cormier family returns to Kenya, we plan to turn our efforts into planting a church in Olkeri, Kenya.

We thank the Lord for how He has brought us through our first term! Challenges and trials along with great blessings and spiritual fruit have helped us grow in knowledge and experience which will be needed for our second term to continue reaching the Mis-reached of Kenya. False doctrine has given to the Kenyan people a false hope. Without clear Bible preaching and teaching and the work of the Holy Spirit on hearts, they will not have the Hope that is in Christ. It is our privilege to be co-laborers with you in ministry. Would you pray for the Coley family as we take the Gospel to Kenya?

We are Billy, Crystal, and Hudson Coley, your missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. We are sent out of Skagit Valley Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, WA where Bro. Rodney Woodcock is pastor.

In October of 2020, Crystal and I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the faithful prayer and financial support of churches who have partnered with us in ministry, we have had the privilege of taking the Gospel of Christ to the field of Kenya.

Once we arrive back in Kenya, we will be watching over the ministry at Karen Baptist Church for a few months while the Cormiers finish their furlough. After the Cormier family returns to Kenya, we plan to turn our efforts into planting a church in Olkeri, Kenya.

We thank the Lord for how He has brought us through our first term! Challenges and trials along with great blessings and spiritual fruit have helped us grow in knowledge and experience which will be needed for our second term to continue reaching the Mis-reached of Kenya. False doctrine has given to the Kenyan people a false hope. Without clear Bible preaching and teaching and the work of the Holy Spirit on hearts, they will not have the Hope that is in Christ. It is our privilege to be co-laborers with you in ministry. Would you pray for the Coley family as we take the Gospel to Kenya?

Karen Baptist Church

Our first goals were to begin language classes and to work with veteran missionaries as we made the adjustment to Kenyan life and ministry. Knowing the importance of partnering with an experienced missionary family, I began asking the Lord about a family with whom we should work. The Lord led us to work with the Cormier family who ministers to the deaf and hearing. Bro. Cormier is pastor of Karen Baptist Church in the town of Karen, a suburb of Nairobi.

Each week, time is spent in general evangelism where we go home-to-home inviting people to Karen Baptist Church and presenting the Gospel as it is given in God’s Word.

Not many accept Christ as their Savior at the time of our first meeting; so, much of our time beyond evangelism is spent in follow-up Bible studies. Through clear Bible teaching, these Bible studies root out false doctrine and overturn the faith they have in the “commandments of men” over the Truth of God’s Word.

We praise the Lord for the souls that were saved and for those that were baptized this past term at Karen Baptist Church.

Beyond preaching in church services, evangelism, and teaching Bible studies, I had the privilege to work with Missionary Cormier in Bible institute training of young men for the Gospel ministry. This past year, I enjoyed teaching the Bible Doctrines class. Although these classes were meant as an overview of the basic Doctrines of the Bible; yet for these young men, this was the first time that they had looked deeper for themselves into God’s Word. Some of the doctrines were of particular interest to the students since these doctrines are abused or not taught at all by the mainstream churches in Kenya. We thank the Lord for the growth in these young men who have followed the Lord’s calling in their lives. In the last year, they have taken on greater responsibilities in the church in teaching and preaching as they prepare for future full-time ministry.

Butula Baptist Church

In western Kenya, Karen Baptist sent out Bro. Ephraim to plant a church in the village of Butula. With these two existing works, there was much opportunity to gain needed experience.

In western Kenya, Karen Baptist sent out Bro. Ephraim to plant a church in the village of Butula. With these two existing works, there was much opportunity to gain needed experience.

Church Plant in Olkeri, Kajiado County

While we were working with a veteran missionary family, I was praying concerning where the Lord would have us plant a church. It had come to my attention that there was property in Olkeri, Kenya where a church building had been vacant for some years. Olkeri is in a region that is home to over 300,000 people. After much prayer, we believe the Lord would have us begin a church at this location. When I had opportunity to visit the property, I was reminded of Ezekiel’s vision of the valley filled with dry bones and how the Lord asked him this question in Ezekiel 37:3, “…Son of man, can these bones live?” And (Ezekiel) answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.” Ezekiel realized that, to man, for dry bones to live again is impossible; it is only God who could breathe life once again to very dry bones. In the same manner, only the Lord can build His church in Olkeri, a place that has not had a Bible-believing church in several years.

Our Testimonies

Both Billy and Crystal were raised in Independent Baptist homes with their families being involved in full-time ministry. Crystal’s father, Bro. Andy Busch, has been a pastor in Midwest City, OK for 35 years, and Billy’s parents, Bro. Bill and Mrs. Jane Coley, are current missionaries in Kenya. While Billy and Crystal have been blessed to have godly parents who taught them to live the Bible way, their godly heritage was not enough to overcome their sin nature and to spend eternity in heaven. At young ages, both Billy and Crystal realized that because of their sin, they were enemies of God condemned to Hell. At age 6, Billy was convicted of his sin after a school chapel and later that day asked his first grade teacher to show him how to be saved. Also at age 6, Crystal realized her need of salvation and asked her dad to show her how she could be saved. Billy and Crystal submitted to believer’s baptism shortly after their salvation.

During Bill and Jane Coley family’s first term in Kenya, the Lord began working on Billy’s heart about returning to Kenya as a missionary. Once the Coley family returned to the states for their first furlough, Billy enrolled in Heartland Baptist Bible College and graduated as a Missions major in 2004. Billy has served his internship at Lighthouse Baptist Church (LBC) in Anacortes, WA, as well as spent a year as a short-term missionary in Kenya from 2007-2008. Since 2008, Billy has been assistant pastor at LBC in Anacortes, WA. The Lord led Billy and Crystal to marry in August of 2016, and now the Lord is leading the second generation of Coleys back to Kenya, East Africa!

As a young lady, Crystal yielded her life to follow the Lord wherever He would lead her. After high school, Crystal enrolled in Oklahoma Baptist College where she graduated in 2002 from a four year program with a major in Music and a minor in Elementary Education. Until the Lord led her to her husband, Crystal had taught both music and elementary education in Christian schools for 14 years.